List of peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters


Symbols indicate undergraduate (*), graduate (†), and post-doctoral (#) co-authors.



  • Mera-Rodríguez DFernández-Marín H, Rabeling C. 2025. Phylogenomic approach to integrative taxonomy resolves a century-old taxonomic puzzle and the evolutionary history of the Acromyrmex octospinosus species complexSystematic Entomology 126 
  • Bengston S#, Dornhaus A, Rabeling C. 2025. The discovery of mixed colonies in Temnothorax ants supports the territoriality hypothesis of dulotic social parasite evolution in myrmicine ants. Insectes Sociaux 72: 59–69


  • Schultz TR, Sosa-Calvo J#, Kweskin MP, Lloyd MW, Dentinger B, Kooij PW, Vellinga EC, Rehner SA, Rodrigues A, Montoya QV, Fernández-Marín H, Ješovnik A, Niskanen T, Liimatainen K, Leal-Dutra CA, Solomon SE, Gerardo NM, Currie CR, Bacci Jr. M, Vasconcelos HL, Rabeling C, Faircloth BC, Doyle VP. 2024. The coevolution of fungus-ant agriculture. Science 386: 105–109
  • Prebus M, Rabeling C. Phylogenomics resolve the systematics and biogeography of the ant tribe Myrmicini and tribal relationships within the hyperdiverse ant subfamily Myrmicinae. bioRxiv:  
  • Cover SP, Rabeling C. 2024. Four new inquiline social parasite species in the dolichoderine ant genus Tapinoma (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). ZooKeys 1202: 111-134



  • Prebus M#, Georgiev B, van de Kamp T, Baker I*, Rabeling C. 2023. The rediscovery of the putative ant social parasite Manica parasitica syn. Nov. (Hymentopera: Formicidae) reveals an unexpected endoparasite syndrome. Biology Letters 19: 20230399
  • Mera-Rodríguez LD†, Jourdan H, Ward PS, Shattuck SO, Cover SP, Wilson EO, Rabeling C. 2023. Biogeography and evolution of social parasitism in Australian Myrmecia bulldog ants revealed by phylogenomics. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 186: 107825 
  • Gray KW†, Rabeling C. 2023. Global biogeography of ant social parasites: exploring patterns and mechanisms of an inverse latitudinal diversity gradient. Journal of Biogeography 50: 316–329 



  • Dahan RA†, Rabeling C. 2022. Multi-queen breeding is associated with the origin of inquiline social parasitism in ants. Scientific Reports 12:14680
  • Romiguier J, Borowiec M#, Weyna A, Helleu Q, Loire E, La Mendola C, Rabeling C, Fisher BL, Ward PS, Keller L. 2022. Ant phylogenomics reveals a natural selection hotspot preceding the origin of advanced eusociality. Current Biology 32: 2942–2947 
  • Barros LAC, Rabeling C, Teixeira GA, Mariano CSF, Delabie JHC, de Aguiar HJAC. 2022. Decay of homologous chromosome pairs and discovery of males in the thelytokous fungus-growing ant Mycocepurus smithii . Scientific Reports 12: 4860 
  • Dahan RA†, Grove N*, Bollazzi ML, Gerstner B*, Rabeling C. 2022. Decoupled evolution of multi-queen breeding and multiple mating in Acromyrmex leaf-cutting ants. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 76: 7 
  • Barrera C†, Sosa-Calvo J#, Schultz TR, Rabeling C, Bacci M. 2022. Phylogenomic reconstruction reveals new insights into the evolution and phylogeography of Atta leaf-cutting ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Systematic Entomology 47: 13–35 







  • Rabeling C, Messer S†, Bacci Jr M, Nascimento IC, Lacau S, Delabie JHC. 2019.  Acromyrmex fowleri : a new inquiline social parasite species of leaf-cutting ants from tropical South America. Insectes Sociaux 66: 435–451 
  • Solomon SE, Rabeling C, Sosa-Calvo J#, Lopes CT, Mueller UG, Vasconcelos HL, Bacci M, Schultz TR. 2019. Molecular phylogenies of Trachymyrmex ants and their fungal cultivars provide insights into the co-evolutionary history of "higher" ant agriculture. Systematic Entomology 44: 939–956 
  • Borowiec ML#, Rabeling C, Brady SG, Fisher BL, Schultz TR, Ward PS. 2019. Compositional heterogeneity and outgroup choice influence the internal phylogeny of the ants. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 135: 111–121 



  • Li H, Sosa-Calvo J#, Horn H, Pupo MT, Clardy J, Rabeling C, Schultz TR, Currie CR. 2018. Convergent evolution of complex structures for ant-bacterial defensive symbiosis in fungus-farming ants. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 115: 10720–10725 
  • Gray KW†, Cover SP, Johnson RA, Rabeling C. 2018. The dacetine ant Strumigenys arizonica , an apparent obligate commensal of the fungus-growing ant Trachymyrmex arizonica in the North American Southwest. Insectes Sociaux 65: 401–410 
  • Sosa-Calvo J#, Schultz TR, Ješovnik A, Dahan RA†, Rabeling C. 2018. Evolution, systematics, and natural history of a new genus of cryptobiotic fungus-growing ants. Systematic Entomology 43: 549–567 
  • Matos-Maraví P, Clouse RM, Sarnat EM, Economo EP, LaPolla JS, Borovanska M, Rabeling C, Czekanski-Moir J, Latumahina F, Wilson EO, Janda M. 2018. An ant genus-group (Prenolepis ) illuminates the biogeography and drivers of insect diversification in the Indo-Pacific. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 123:16-25 



  • Mueller UG†, Ishak HD, Brushi SM, Herman JJ, Smith CC, Solomon SE, Mikheyev AS, Rabeling C, Scott JJ, Cooper M, Rodriguez A, Ortiz A, Brandão CRF, Lattke JE, Pagnocca FC, Rehner SA, Schultz TR, Vasconcelos HL, Adams RMM, Bollazzi M, Clark RM, Himler AG, LaPolla JS, Leal IR, Johnson RA, Roces F, Sosa-Calvo J#, Wirth R, Bacci Jr M. 2017. Biogeography of mutualistic fungi cultivated by leafcutter ants . Molecular Ecology 26: 6921–6937 
  • Sosa-Calvo J#, Jesovnik A, Lopes CT, Rodrigues A, Rabeling C, Bacci Jr. M, Vasconcelos HL, Schultz TR. 2017. Biology of the relict fungus-farming ant Apterostigma megacephala Lattke, including descriptions of the male, gyne, and larva. Insectes Sociaux 64:329–346 



  • Rabeling C, Sosa-Calvo J#, O'Connell LA, Coloma LA, Fernández F. 2016.  Lenomyrmex hoelldobleri : a new ant species discovered in the stomach of the dendrobatid poison frog, Oophaga sylvatica (Funkhouser). ZooKeys 618:79–95 
  • Nygaard S, Hu H, Li C, Schiøtt M, Chen Z, Yang Z, Xie Q, Ma C, Deng Y, Dikow RB, Rabeling C, Nash DR, Wcislo WT, Brady SG, Schultz TR, Zhang G, Boomsma JJ . 2016. Reciprocal genomic evolution in the ant-fungus agricultural symbiosis. Nature Communications 7:12233 



  • Rabeling C, Schultz TR, Bacci Jr. M, Bollazzi M. 2015.  Acromyrmex charruanus : a new inquiline social parasite species of leaf-cutting ants. Insectes Sociaux 62:335–349 
  • Economo EP, Sarnat EM, Janda M, Clouse R, Klimov P, Fischer G, Blanchard BD, Ramirez L, Andersen AN, Berman M, Guénard B, Rabeling C, Wilson EO, Knowles LL. 2015. Breaking out of biogeographic modules: range expansion and taxon cycles in Old World Pheidole . Journal of Biogeography 42: 2253–2460 



  • Rabeling C, Schultz TR, Pierce NE, Bacci M. 2014. A social parasite evolved reproductive isolation from its fungus-growing ant host in sympatry. Current Biology 24: 2047–2052 
  • Sarnat EM, Rabeling C, Economo EP, Wilson EO. 2014. First record of a species from the Pheidole flavens -complex (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from the southwestern Pacific. BioInvasions Records 3: 301–307 
  • Clouse RM, Janda M, Blanchard B, Sharma P, Hoffman BD, Andersen AN, Czekanski-Moir JE, Krushelnycky P, Rabeling C, Wilson EO, Economo EP, Saranat EM, Wheeler WC. 2014. Molecular phylogeny of a widespread ant group reveals waves of dispersal and colonization into and out of the Pacific. Cladistics 31: 424–437
  • Rabeling C, Love CN, Lance SL, Jones KL, Pierce NE, Bacci M. 2014. Development of twenty-one polymorphic microsatellite markers for the fungus-growing ant, Mycocepurus goeldii (Formicidae: Attini), using Illumina paired-end genomic sequencing . Conservation Genetics Resources 6: 739–741 
  • Masiulionis VE†, Rabeling C, De Fine Licht HH, Schultz TR, Bacci Jr. M, Santos Bezerra CM, Pagnocca FC. 2014. A Brazilian population of the asexual fungus-growing ant Mycocepurus smithii (Formicidae, Myrmicinae, Attini) cultivates fungal symbionts with gongylidia-like structures. PLoS ONE 9(8): e103800 
  • Rabeling C, Bollazzi M, Bacci M, Beasley RR, Lance SL, Jones KL, Pierce NE. 2014. Development and characterization of twenty-two polymorphic microsatellite markers for the leafcutter ant, Acromyrmex lundii , utilizing Illumina sequencing. Conservation Genetics Resources 6: 319–322 


Prior to 2014



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